Monday, August 1, 2011

I Like When People Call It "The Clicker"

It seems like no matter how far technology advances, remote controls are just going to continue to suck forever. In a world where we have video game controllers that can somehow work from across the house, why are we still using remote controls that have a range of about six inches and have to be pointing at the exact spot on the TV or cable box or magical DVR thing to work? I'm perfectly aware that this is basically the biggest "lazy American" thing to complain about behind "My cellphone is all the way over THERE?", but it just seems like something we'd have by this point.

Then again, that's probably one of the most boring predictions for the future ever. "Yes my friend, by 2050, we shall have remote controls that actually work properly!" Maybe instead of wasting their time developing those stupid 3D TVs, they could try building a remote control that doesn't suck. I mean, we have the technology to REWIND TV now. If you're stupid and don't think about it too hard, DVRs are essentially TIME MACHINES. So apparently all our other TV technology started becoming super awesome, and everyone just sort of forgot to ever upgrade the remotes besides putting pause buttons on them.

This is only semi-related, but is it just me, or is there always at least one remote in your house that seems to serve no purpose at all? You know, the little black one that appears to have DVD controls and TV controls on it, and doesn't seem to actually do anything. If this were a cartoon of some kind, I bet that remote would have magic powers. Probably take you on some sort of wacky adventure where you learn the true meaning of friendship.

...Hang on, I need to go try something.

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