Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Cyber Horseplay

So here's something random that's been bugging me lately*: I don't think it's okay for schools to be able to punish kids for what they do on the Internet. You know what I'm talking about. Some kid calls some other kid a "fag" on Facebook, and the school comes in and suspends him. That'd be like if the dean came over to your house and grounded you for swearing. It just doesn't seem right to me at all that the school now apparently has jurisdiction over everything you do, even when you're not at school. Sure, using this so-called "cyber bullying"** as evidence that some kid has the motivation to beat the living hell out of another kid is all fine and good, but punishing someone just for their online actions? That isn't the school's job.

Well actually, I think they just SAY that they're going to do that. As far as I know, it isn't actually legal. Which would make sense, but making sense has never been the school system's top priority (see: well, anything really). So really, they could just be making it up. I have no idea, but they don't really care about that, do they? They just want me to THINK that they have that kind of power. Because they hate freedom of speech, see? And they all want to make us into mindless blah blah blah communist manifesto oh my god I don't care.

The REAL truth is, I don't know how much of anything is true about anything. There are a stupid amount of arbitrary rules in the world of education, and I'm so baffled by most of it that it's hard to even talk about it. Maybe the administration is made up of paranoid schizophrenics, or maybe they're well-meaning, but woefully out of touch. I don't know or really have the energy to care anymore. But my first point still stands, either way. Leave my Internet alone please.

*I really ought to just begin every post this way. It would save so much time.
**Seriously, we're still using this term? I thought the word "cyber" got left behind some time in the earl nineties, only being revived any time someone needs a name for a robot-themed level in a video game.

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