Thursday, August 18, 2011

Rearrange All the Buttons

Why do software companies and web designers feel the need to change the lay-out of things whenever they update their websites or programs? Man, that was a terrible opening line, let me try again.

Yesterday I had to download the newest version of Firefox due to an issue with the version I had, that being that it decided it just wasn't going to start anymore. When I finally got it loaded up, it looked completely different from the previous version. Not in a bad way, really, just different. Everything works the same way, they just completely changed the design. And if you upgrade stuff often enough, you'll notice that this happens ALL THE TIME. I wouldn't really say it bothers me, it's just weird. Some guy on the development team sat everyone else down and said "Okay guys, you know the design our browser has had for the past few months, after we changed it a few months before THAT? I've decided it sucks, someone make a new one." And then they spent time doing that. Fascinating.

Now, the thing that gets the most complaints about this is Facebook. Every single bleeding time Facebook even changes anything at all, people fly off the freaking handle, screaming about how they "ruined" Facebook. Apparently, moving some icons around makes the website completely unusable. Now, I couldn't care less about it, but it's so odd that someone would just decide that these changes needed to be made, or nobody's going to use Facebook anymore. That's kind of amazing.

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