Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Seriously Guys We Get 5.8s Like Every Other Week

Okay, I just want to talk about this before it becomes extremely old news and nobody cares about it anymore. I know I don't usually do "topical" stuff, mostly due to the fact that I don't care enough to bother, but this sort of thing seems more in-line with what I usually talk about anyway, so I figured I might as well.

I would really appreciate it if everyone would kindly shut the hell up about the goddamn earthquake. Now, the reasons most people from California are complaining about that is because they think all the East Coasters are being total wusses about it, because it was seriously not a big deal. And yes, while that is almost certainly true (you big babies), an earthquake happening where earthquakes don't normally happen is certainly an interesting story. However it is NOT "two goddamn days worth of news" interesting, or however long it's been since they started talking about this. And the news will probably continue until at least like, next week. And oh my God I don't care can we talk about something else now.

Now, this would continue to be an interesting story if anything got blown up, or a building fell on top of someone's mom, or if like a hundred people died. Then there would be something depressing for all of us to focus on, to distract ourselves from all the depressing things that are happening to us. But that didn't happen, and yet they're still sending reporters over to the East Coast to stand in the middle of the street and go "Look guys there is a little crack here could this be EARTHQUAKE DAMAGE?" I bet all those plane rides are pretty expensive. We could probably be spending that sort of money on things that actually matter, but oh well.

Or maybe it's been like this because NOTHING HAPPENED THIS WEEK. But that's kind of sorta not really the case, with all the rebellion stuff and whatnot. But I guess white people being moderately inconvenienced is interesting too.

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